Samuel Clemens Essay Contest

Our Mission of The Olde Yakima Letterpress Museum is dedicated to the preserving, studying, and educational demonstration of 19th and 20th-century letterpress typesetting and printing techniques, offering enthusiasts the opportunity for hands-on learning in a working shop environment.
To cultivate an interest in Letterpress Printing, the museum created The Letterpress Essay Contest to give students a glimpse of the people who have made the printed word come alive. Our primary target for the Essay Contest encompasses all Middle School Students in 6th, 7th and 8th grades: Public, Private, Parochial, or Home Schooled in Washington State. There is no cost to the student or the school to participate.
Each year, the museum intends to expand on the characters who have transformed civilization through their words, innovations, and discoveries.
The Samuel Clemens Essay contest, as an extension program of The Olde Yakima Letterpress Museum, is intended to allow students to explore some of the many characteristics of Samuel Clemens as a role model.
Eligibility & Rules:
- The essay contest is open to all Middle School Students in Grades 6, 7, and 8: Public, Private or Parochial in Washington State: cities, towns, and unincorporated areas. Homeschooled children may also compete.
- Each essay MUST start with the phrase: "Samuel Clemens is a role model because." According to Sociologist Robert K. Merton, a role model is "a person whose behavior, example or success can be emulated by others, especially by younger people." Based on this definition, explain how Sam Clemens' life continues to offer an example of being a role model to young people. In your essay, include at least two examples from Mr. Clemen's life that support the claim that Clemens is a role model. Conclude your essay with a personal reflection on why or how Sam Clemens' life inspires you to persevere, discover, innovate or lead.
- We will accept typed or computer-generated essays, single-spaced, in English, on the front side of not more than two - 8 ½" x 11" sheets of paper. Essays must contain a minimum of 250 and not more than 400 words. Your essay must be your original work. A parent, teacher, or another leader must initial the line on the entry form to certify she/he has read your essay. Parent or Guardian must sign the entry form, permitting the student to enter the contest and participate in any media coverage.
Essays meeting the rules and eligibility requirements will be judged by a committee formed by Olde Yakima Letterpress Museum.
Winners Will be selected based upon the following criteria:
- The essay must be well organized, legible, and demonstrate clarity and conciseness.
- The essay must show insight into the subject.
- **Judging Committee Co-chairs will be Mr. Tim Chase and Ruth M. Bishop, DO, MPH. The decisions of the judges shall be final. Essays will be the property of Olde Yakima Letterpress Museum. We reserve the right not to issue all nine prizes.
Teacher/Leader/Parent will be notified of winners by email or telephone by TBD.
- First-place essay winners will receive a personalized letterpress certificate, a photo with Mark Twain, and three tickets to "An Evening with Mark Twain" on a set date and time at Yakima Foursquare Church. Winners also receive a $250 check. Each grade level, 6th, 7th, and 8th, is eligible for a first-place prize.
- Second and third place essay winners will receive a personalized letterpress certificate, a photo with Mark Twain, and three tickets to "An Evening with Mark Twain" on a set date and time at Yakima Foursquare. Runner-ups receive a $150 check. Each grade level, 6th, 7th, and 8th, are eligible for these prizes.
- The best overall essay winner (accompanied by parent/guardian) will receive two nights lodging at Best Western Ahtanum Inn, Union Gap, Washington, at Set date and time.
- For essays that show merit but do not win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place standing, a Certificate of Achievement will be awarded.
- The first 400 middle school students who submit an essay that meets eligibility and rules, with a postmarked date of TBD or before, will receive a museum T-shirt. Ensure that your name, school address, school, telephone number, and T-shirt size are plainly marked. **Please include the checklist from the link below: